Simcoe County District School Board – Various Schools
Pearson Engineering has been working with the Simcoe County District School Board on upgrades to several of their schools in the district. These upgrades often include but are not limited to regrading of parking lots and yards to improve drainage, increasing accessibility with barrier free ramps and the construction of school bus drop off lanes. Pearson Engineering also provides contract administration services during construction. Timing and coordination of these projects is critical as construction usually occurs in the summer months while schools are closed while ensuring the projects are complete prior to opening in September.
Salter Pilon Architecture – Tollendale Village Retirement Community, Innisfil
Pearson Engineering has been retained by Salter Pilon Architecture as part of the design team in the development of the Tollendale Village Retirement Community and Long-term Care Home on Big Bay Point Road in Barrie. The nearly 14-hectare site includes three 4-storey apartment buildings, a 4-story long term care building and a central 4 story amenity building that will connect all buildings. Underground and ground level parking as well as a large outdoor grassed amenity space is also a part of the site design. This site will showcase several LID features including a stormwater management pond, permeable pavers, bioretention trenches and underground storage chambers.
Steenhof Building Services Group – North Park Library, Oakville
Pearson Engineering provided the grading, servicing and stormwater management design for the North Park Library and Youth Centre in Oakville. The initial design was completed in 2019 and the library was built in its temporary location adjacent to the Sixteen Mile Sports Complex. A new servicing and grading design was completed in 2022 in support of the library’s relocation to its permeant location on Neyagawa Boulevard.
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