Gary and Nicole were excited to take part in the annual Ottawa Construction Association Golf on a crisp fall day.

Gary and Nicole were excited to take part in the annual Ottawa Construction Association Golf on a crisp fall day.
Nicole from our Ottawa office was excited to take part in the annual Women in Land Development (WiLD) Charity Golf Tournament this summer.
Mac and Jesse had a great day out at Meaford Golf Course participating in the Grey County PWA Tournament.
Pearson Engineering was proud to be a part of the Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce golf tournament this year. Tyson, David and Jesse from our Owen Sound office had a great time at this annual event.
It was an exciting weekend at Hardwood Ski and Bike in Oro when some staff and their families took part in the Timber 2024 Trail Running Festival. The Pearson Engineering team had a great weekend during this 24 hour relay race and took home 3rd place.
Pearson Engineering was proud to be a part of the Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce golf tournament as a hole sponsor this year. Jesse and Mac from our Owen Sound office had a great time at Southampton Golf and Country Club.
Pearson Engineering staff and their families took part in the Canada Day 5 kilometer race in support the Seasons Centre for Grieving Children. It was a beautiful day for a race on the Barrie waterfront!
Pearson Engineering was proud to be a part of the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival this year.
It was a beautiful but cold day on the Barrie Waterfront for the annual Santa Shuffle. Our staff and their families were are always excited to support the Salvation Army at this annual event. Jacob Moore from our Ottawa office joined us this year for his very first...
Pearson Engineering was excited to be a sponsor at the Bill Georgas Memorial Golf Day this summer. Mac Pinkney from our Owen Sound office played in the tournament which was held at Legacy Ridge Golf Club. Proceeds from this event support Owen Sound Rotary...